Sell Your Expertise – digiworldng

The Breakthrough Online Business That Made Me My First Million And Now Put A Minimum Of ₦15k Daily Into My Bank Account.

From the desk of

Abdul Ali

Plateau, Nigeria

Dear friend. 

What would it mean to you... to have a SIMPLE online business that puts at least 15 daily into your pocket? Without ever: 

  • Depending on anyone to give you money/urgent 2k again.
  • No boss/oga to tell you what to do.
  • Able to afford whatever you want.
  • Start living the life you deserve.
  • Able to handle any money problem that comes your way.
  • Get the freedom to work anywhere you want... and when you want.

Let me show you how.

You see…

Back in March 2021 when I was about to finish NYSC. I was scared and depressed by the constant fear of how I would get a nice job that would pay the bills and also support the family.

You see… I struggled a lot before I graduated. 

And I promised to hustle hard and change the narrative once I graduated… NEVER to be broke again or haunted by SAPA ever again.

But… Which Legit Job/Business will I do?  

You see… I am not privileged or knows somebody that know somebody who will give me a Job or capital to start a business.

So… I had to find a way on my own. 

And whenever I think about it. It gets me confused and scared because I don’t know what to do or where to start.

But as the adage goes… “Wherever there’s a will. There’s a way”

The first time I was introduced to online business

You see… I was in this state of fear and confusion. One of my university friends introduced me to an online business called Affiliate Marketing (but it was a COMPLETE failure). 

Because they promised that once I start… I will make a buttload of money with the process they will show. 

But I will have to pay N40k for training… which I don’t have or have any way of getting.  

But I got interested and believed them. And that's how I got myself 2 jobs.

One is unloading trailer trucks and the second one is security at a restaurant.

I work hard day and night and manage to pay for the training.

But the unexpected happens.  

Despite committing and implementing everything for a straight 3 months... Nothing seems to work as they promised.

I didn’t make a single penny and the course didn’t teach anything of great value. 

But I got obsessed with the idea of online business and I took matters into my own hands. 

I started following some of the top online marketers and consuming their content and I managed to buy some of their programs. 

What I learned in 3 weeks is much more than I did with the N40k Affiliate Marketing course.


That is when I realised most of these people selling those courses are COMPLETE newbies and didn’t understand the businesses themselves (is just like a blind leading the blind).

This realisation led to my breakthrough moment and made me create this business (which I am about to show you) that made me my first million and now put a minimum of 15k daily into my bank.

It’s all about solving problems.

You see… The N40k course I bought was supposed to be the solution to my problem (Broke and jobless) but it didn't.

They took advantage of me because I had a huge and painful problem that I needed to solve ASAP.

And this is what opened my mind and I thought: 

“what if I create a business of solving people's problems…I will just go on and find people's painful problems and then provide the solution” 

Because the problems are painful and people want the solution ASAP... they will easily pay for it.

And that is exactly what I did… I used this business model to make my first million in 40 days and now also generate at least N15k daily

This business model is called: 


This Is the type of business where you create and sell information that solves a specific problem… either in the form of a book, video, article etc.

But the process I create is a whole new level and I call it:

Selling High-In-Demand PDF books.

You see… my process is simple. 

All I do is: 

  1. SIMPLY Find a huge problem that people desperately need a solution to. 
  2. Find other people that solve that same problem and ask them how they do it or I find the solutions on some secret website (I will show you how).
  3. I QUICKLY package it into a SIMPLE PDF book.
  4. I Start selling Immediately using the NO-BS selling process I developed that even a COMPLETE  beginner can use (I will show you all of these).  

But that is not all

You see… I’ve been doing this for 2.5 years and I become more experienced in the business through implementation, learning, trial and error… 


I developed an entirely NEW and FASTEST way of doing it that you could start in as little as 6 DAYS

And I am going to show you all of it. 

But first… here are some great results from some of my students…

You see… this changed my life and made me go from broke and jobless to:

  • Creating a business that supports me and pays all my bills.
  • Not having to go begging for urgent 2k.
  • Able to afford and buy whatever I want.
  • Freedom to work from anywhere.
  • Gives me HUGE capital to start other businesses.

Now Imagine yourself also:

  • Having an ONLINE business that you solely control and puts at least ₦15K daily into your bank account
  • Not depending on anyone to give you money or job.
  • Able to afford whatever you want no matter how expensive it is.
  • Stop going around hunting for jobs that don’t pay well but end up stressing your life.
  • Able to tackle any money problem that comes to your life without thinking twice.
  • Having the freedom to work minimum hours from anywhere you are.
  • Able to generate cash whenever you want.

You can achieve all of these using ONLY an internet connection and Your phone/Laptop.


If you want to learn… I am willing to show you how to do it.


I created a short report course where I reveal everything to you. 

Warning: Before you request to be part of it. Is better to know some of the secrets I will be revealing. 

So… To help you decide if this course is for you or not… 

Here are some of the secrets I will reveal in this report course.

  • How to SIMPLY create your own PROFITABLE high in demand pdf book that could give you at least 7-10 MASSIVE sales daily in as little as 6 days.
  • How to QUICKLY brainstorm your brain and get countless ideas from your existing knowledge/expertise.
  • How to get countless topics that people are desperately in need of solutions.
  • The secret way of getting FREE unlimited content for your PDF book (so that you don’t crack your brain or struggle).
  • My unique way of organizing PDF books in a SEXY and ENTICING way. This will make your readers fall in love with your work and want to buy more from you.
  • The 3 secret ways of pricing PDF books that will make your audience difficult to say no to.
  • How to get a FREE unlimited HUNGRY audience ready to buy your PDF book immediately.
  • The NO-BS selling methods that I used to make crazy sales daily (Most of the online Gurus don’t know about these selling methods) and I will show you how to use it effectively.
  • How to keep selling more PDF books to the same customers over and over (This is what differentiate between successful online business and unsuccessful ones).
  • How to become a pro and start selling your PDF book internationally.

These are some of the AMAZING things you will be getting inside the stain report course. 

So. Here’s the bottom line 

You see…At first, I price this report at N15,000. 

But I realise that 90% won’t be able to afford it.

So… I decided to make it affordable so that you can afford it.

And If you are getting it today you only get to pay: 



But. There’s more

I decided to add 3 additional BONUSES that are worth N20k

But not everybody is getting these bonuses. 

It's for the only few people that are ready to get the report now.

So if you are getting the report now here’s the 20k worth of BONUSES I am giving you for FREE.

BONUS 1: 150 Hot high in demand topics that are proven to sell over and over plus How to get free UNLIMITED content for each topic.

BONUS 2: The 5 secret websites that you can use and download FREE UNLIMITED PDF books for any topic (with these websites you don’t need to go through the hassle of creating the PDF books yourself. All you need to do is download and start selling immediately using the NO-BS sales process I will show you).

BONUS 3: How to receive payment for your PDF book IMMEDIATELY into your bank account.

If you are ready click the WhatsApp link below to get the payment details and make payment to get all the report copies with your Bonuses.

Note: Anytime the timer below hits zero the price will keep increasing until it reaches N15,000.


Here's what industry expert are saying

(Sani Zakari. CEO sellsrocket)

"Listen to Abdul he knows. One of the top internet marketers out there

Mallam Kaybee

(8 figure Affiliate marketer and a top entreprenur)

"Thank you for sending me the *Stains Report course* I really enjoyed reading it and found it to be very informative and helpful. I found each section of the report to be very informative and helpful.
If you're looking for a way to improve your financial situation, I highly recommend this!. It's a great resource that will teach you everything you need to know to create online business that gives you money

Abdul AK

(8 figure Affiliate marketer)

"I have seen lots of people claiming to teach online business but not for once in my years of sales and marketing found something that give me direct benefits like your report course. Now I can turn some of my skills into Ebook Thank you very much for pouring all your knowledge in this "Stain Report" ❤️???? It worth every price putting on it.


(Radiographer and businessman)

This report has outlined almost everything about identifying one true experience and online business, especially when one intends to help and solve people problem. Everything was stated in clear and simple terms



Everything made sense man, you really delivered on your promise. I created a book that is currently pumping 9k daily into my pocket


(Crypto trader and entrepreneur) 

I am just halfway through but I feel connected to the message and it opens a lot of ideas that I could also apply to my business. This is great.



How do I get my copy If I buy it Now?

ANS— It's a softcopy and will be immediately sent to your email.


How can I ask questions when I have?

ANS— Once you make your order you will get my email and you can always send me your questions.


Do I get everything including the Bonuses when I buy today?

ANS— Yes


Are all sales final?

ANS— Yes all sales are final.

Get your copy now before the price increases.


*DISCLAIMER: Individual outcomes are almost probably going to differ. My best efforts, time, energy, and experiences were put into putting this information together, but as you are no doubt aware, there is no assurance that it will have the desired effect. The truth is that, like with any instructional product of this kind, you could make a lot, a little, or even no money at all (heck, you might even lose money). ​

We have no statistical data to support “actual” results from any user and strongly suspect that, unfortunately, most people who buy ANY information product online probably don’t do much, if anything, with any of the products they buy. Hopefully you’ll be different and actually take action on what we teach you here.

Copyright 2023.