New book reveals – digiworldng

New Book Reveals...

Seven Natural Formulas That Cure Ulcer Permanently By Healing the Four Root Issues.

...Without any side-effect and never to take Omeprazole and Antacids again.

Imagine if you could... 

✅Always have a sound sleep without waking up at midnight because of horrible heartburn, chest pain, or stomach pain.

✅Always wake up without thinking about the next omeprazole... Antacid or medications to take.

✅Always eat whatever you want without burping... heartburn or chest pain.

✅Have a strong body without back pain neck pain or body pain.

✅Stop eating food every 3 hours and stop carrying snacks around because of ulcers.

I know it's easy for everyone to make such big promises but it seems nearly impossible.

But let me tell you this...

After seeing my mum suffer from this horrible condition for 20 years... and having: 

✔Sleepless nights

✔Horrible back pain and heartburn.

✔Jumping from one drug to another and from one concoction to another.

I also thought it was impossible. 

She also lost hope and couldn't believe she can get cured and live a normal life like everyone else.

Seeing people living a normal life eating whatever they want... without worrying about the next medications to take... makes her sad and think she will never be free again.

...and that is the question with all ulcer patients.

✔ When will the suffering end?

✔ When will you begin to enjoy your normal life again?

You see...

With my knowledge of Medical Microbiology...


I thought taking Omeprazole and Antacids is all my mum needed to cure her ulcer.

But it turns out I was wrong. 

Seeing her taking these drugs every day without actual results makes me question why it's not working.

...and it all comes down to two things.

✔ The global drug resistance we are facing. 

✔ The medications are not treating the four root issues.

This breaks my belief toward Western drugs and I went on researching Natural ways to treat various diseases because God has already done it for us.

Since then I formulated various formulas for health conditions such as Male sexual problems, Piles, GIT diseases, and ulcers.

When I first formulated the first natural formulas for ulcers... it worked for my mum and other people I introduced it to.


This makes me package it into an ebook with all the guides and started distributing it online. over 2,100 people got it and here are some of their testimonials.

I call this ebook...

The Ulcer Book of Recipes

You see...

These natural formulas are the ONLY formulas online that tackle ulcers permanently through the four healing stages.

While Omeprazole, Antacids, and other herbal concoctions failed you because they ONLY focus on either:

✔ Eliminating H pylori

✔ Reducing inflammation

✔ Suppressing the pain

The 7 Natural formulas focus on ALL four issues that are created as the results of the ulcer, which are:

✔Inhibit H pylori permanently.

✔Heal the ulcer wound.

✔Eliminate inflammation.

✔Reduce your stomach acidity to normal.

This is all possible because of the Natural substances in these formulas. 

But it gets more interesting...

All 7 formulas are formulated using SIMPLE fruit and Natural foods you can find anywhere. 

This is why many people are surprised at how simple food and fruits we used can be turned into a powerful ulcer cure in under 12 minutes.

That's not all with the Benefits of these natural formulas.

Using the 7 natural formulas will not only help you cure your ulcer permanently But...

It offers help in relieving other health conditions such as: 

  •  Pile
  •  Boost immune system
  •  Protect you from infections
  •  Blood pressure
  •  Cholesterol level
  •  Diabetes 
  •  Cold
  •  Abdominal upset

When you open this 82 pages Book of ulcer recipes you will see:

✔ The practical steps on how to prepare the five new natural recipes.

✔ List of all the materials and ingredients needed.

✔ The three healing fruits to eat daily.

✔ The three habits to avoid as an ulcer patient (Your ulcer can not be healed without avoiding them).

✔ The types and complications of ulcers.

✔ How to prevent yourself from having an ulcer ever again.

✔ How each of the five recipes will help you cure your ulcer.

✔ List of foods that aggravate an ulcer.

✔ Health benefits of each recipe.

But There's more!

The formulas start working immediately and works against all peptic ulcers including:

1. Gastric/Stomach ulcer

2. Duodenal ulcer 

3. and also inhibit H pylori permanently.

...and all the pains will begin to subside and will heal permanently in about 21 days.

As a bonus, I also formulated a 7-day meal plan for you... containing 12 different foods... fruit and snacks to choose from. 

Over 2,100 people have gotten the ebook after the first launch and here are the testimonials of those that send it.

Here’s what to do next.


You see unlike all those  concoctions that cost N35,000N60,000

I’m not about to tell you that the book cost 20k30k, or 70k.


Instead, I am giving it to you for N5,300..and you get it instantly to download.

Why N5,300?


Because it is an ebook (pdf) and printing a physical copy plus a delivery fee will cost from N7,100-N15,500 and it will take 4-7 days for you to receive it.

But I know you are in pain and you need it instantly to start. 

As soon as you place the order today a copy will be sent immediately to your whatsapp to download and start instantly…


You can access it anytime and anywhere.

PS: Hey if you are reading this today 05/08/23

I am giving you a wooping 34% discount... that's because I've already reach my goals of helping 500 people get the ebook this year and I'am closing the sales. But before I do that I'am giving you this chance to also get it... After closing the sales you might never see this offer again. Instead of paying N5,300 you will pay N3,600.

Click the WhatsApp link below to get the payment details and get your copy for N3,600 Now.

(Note: the book is softcopy not hardcopy)


Q1 How do I get it after the payment

ANS: Its a softcopy and it will be sent to your WhatsApp immediately

Q2 Are all the ingredients readily Available

ANS: Yes all the ingredients are common and you can find them anywhere.

Q3 Does it have any side effects?

ANS: None of the recipes have any side effect.

Q4 Can a pregnant woman use the recipe?

ANS: Yes but there is one particular recipe that she can't but don't worry it is indicated in the book.

Q​5 How long should I be taking the Formulas

ANS: The prescriptions for each recipe are written in the book.

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